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Lake Chapala Emergency Numbers and Words

HelpEmergency Numbers and Words


Any emergency:                    066   (similar to 911)

24-Hour Ambulance: 065 (Red Cross)

Red Cross                     376-765-2308

Hospital Ajijic             376-766-0622, or 0662

Clinica Maskaras       376-765-4838 (Riberas Del Pilar)

Clinica Municipal      376-765-5421  (Chapala)

Clinica Municipal      387-763-1920 (Jocotepec)


Police – Chapala       376-765-4444, or 2821

Police – Ajijic            376-766-1760

Police – Jocotepec   387-763-0006, or 0074          

Police –Movilidad   376-765-4747 (Chapala)

24-Hour Fire & Rescue:

For all towns            376-766-3615

Road Service:

Green Angels           078 or 800-903-9200

(Los Angeles Verde)

Common Emergency Words

Do you speak English? = habla usted inglés?

I don’t speak Spanish = no hablo español

the address is = la dirección es

my house = mi casa

I need = necesito

police = policía

firefighters = bomberos

an ambulance = una ambulancia

a doctor = un doctor

there is a = hay (pronounced “eye”) un

man = hombre (om’-bre)

woman = mujer (moo-herr’)

child = niño (boy), niña (girl)

traffic accident = accidente de tránsito

robber = ladrón

rapist = violador

fire = incendio

intruder = intruso

noise = ruido

gun = pistola

knife = cuchillo

very sick = muy enfermo

bleeding = hemorragia

people are hurt = personas son lastima

heart attack = ataque cardiac

no breathing = no respiración

death = muerte

come right away, please = venir ahorita, por favor

hurry = prisa

Excerpted from: Moving to Mexico’s Lake Chapala, by Lisa L. Jorgensen

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