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Jalisco Prosecutor Offers 1 Million Pesos for Information on Sandoval Assassination Suspects

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First Covid-19 Vaccines Arrive Lakeside

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Guadalajara Funeral Processions and Crematoria Are Non-Stop

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US Will Require Negative Virus Tests From International Air Travelers

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Mexico Extends Border Restrictions Again

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Ajijic Carretera Accident Injures Four

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WHO: World Will Not Have Herd Immunity in 2021

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Guadalajara Hospitals Report Available Covid-19 Beds, but Deny Admissions

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AMLO Confirms Foreign National Residents Will Get Covid-19 Vaccines

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US Democrats Start Second Trump Impeachment Process

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Guadalajara Continues Operations Against Street Vendors

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First Mexican Case of UK Coronavirus Strain B-117 Confirmed

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Jocotepec Market Gets a Facelift

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Locals Complain About Inconsiderate Holiday Tourists

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Study: Six Months Later, Covid-19 Patients Still Have Symptoms

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Alfaro: Clubs and Bars Can Open Monday

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AMLO: AstraZeneca’s Covid Vaccine to Arrive in February

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Landau Resigns as US Ambassador to Mexico

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AMLO Seeks to Absorb Autonomous Agencies, Violating Division of Powers

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Covid Vaccine Will Arrive in Jalisco Next Week

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