Decision Survey Comments

1. Do you think the book I have described would be useful to the Lake Chapala community?
how brave you are to do this….leadership like this is rare.
Go for the gusto, let the chips fall. Let them fall where they may. If you don’t believe in something you will believe anything. There are more good people who support you and will stand behind you. Criminals will always deny the truth, but i firmly believe they should be exposed for who they really are. The victims deserve justice, even if it’s just exposing the names of these cowards. And that other people know who is who and not too fall for the evil these people do.
I was very impressed with the area when I visited, and planned to visit again to prepare for moving there in retirement.  Unfortunately, I cannot reconcile the real estate values with reality.  These valuations are way above comparable retirement places like North Carolina or Florida, given the small home sizes etc.  I don’t understand how these prices are being sustained.
We all need this information to protect all of us
Awareness is key.   People come here wearing rose colored glasses, they  become seduced by this quaint village – the easy life style and friendly people.  They trust real estate agents and lawyers, banks  and financial advisors, who are trying to “help them” –   some of these helpers  are pretty shady.  The victims  learn too late that they have been screwed.
Shining a light on such underhanded activities, exposing such to the light would be extremely helpful.  My belief is  this is what Newspapers should do – but newspapers  do not always do it.   They bow to the business and real estate agents, developers, etc.  of the community.      Every crime should be listed in newspapers.  – every robbery, every car or personal property stolen, very purse snatched, assault, every home invasion, scams against people,   every kidnapping, rape, carjacking, etc.     Don’t you think the citizens of our community deserve the right to know these things.
It would be an injustice to not name names.
 just mention the company or real state   name
We think that without names, your book would not bring the authorities into it.  No names means no information that’s useful.  I’m sorry to put it that way.  It’s also most important that you protect yourself the best way possible.
When you name names, you run the risk of a serious error (such as assassination of character – whether actionable or not, it’s not something you want on your conscience). But I do think you should go ahead with a story if you are sure of your information. We no longer live in Ajijic/Chapala but did for many years and heard about some of what you describe – never knew names but people talk.
But I am also concerned about probable repercussions to YOU. For instance, the Mexican government could see naming names as a “political statement”, which are legal grounds in Mexico for deportation. Foreigners residing here are not permitted to make political statements nor to take part in Mexican politics. I DO admire your courage, and agree the corruption will not stop until names are named and those guilty are “outed”.
As a retired lawyer and judge (Canadian) I tried to help an American couple who got scammed badly by developer, aided and abetted by a prominent real estate broker (the owner of the brokerage).  I asked him if he realized what he had done – including committing criminal fraud – and he said yes!  He was not concerned in the least.
You better have ironclad proofs of whatever it is you are going to bring to light. I am undecided on whether actual names should be given or if obvious hints would be sufficient to identify the culprits.
But you are putting your life at risk.  There will be no warning, just a shot in the dark some night when you are not prepared.  Be careful,  Gringos don’t (normally) have guns, but they have access to Mexicans who have guns and who will work for pay.
Be extremely cautious.
The information and warning signs you may offer should be enough for any intelligent person to use as a guideline when doing transactions. This is still the Wild West (south) and your personal well being would greatly be at risk by mentioning names. I don’t see the community being that appreciative.
Although I personally do not own real estate here or plan to–can only afford to rent–still I think the truth always is the high road and benefits the community most in the end.
Im so well impress about your proposal and the goal you are for, Ive a lot of information and interest to help to stop all this awful actions around us and somehow avoid the impunity around, even by authorities, so please I beg you to give me some of your time personally to talk about all this, to explore strategy’s , this is a big issue. I all ready respect you!!
Too many people stirring up trouble and “telling tales,” and most of us just want to live here peacefully and not further generate a National Enquirer mentality. There are so many stories of people doing good and kind things that aren’t being told. Tell that! Make this a kinder place, not a place of hatred.
Good luck!
Do it!
Keep on your toes because you have already let the proverbial cat out of the bag and now you will need to be careful… please be careful my friend, with this you have warned these wrong doers.
best of luck and may God protect you….
Without names it’s useless.
I admire your advocaceyvand willingness to take the risk of going public with these crimes.  I have to wonder whether a series of investigative articles that could also hit Huffington Post or the NYTimes would be more powerful than a book, which would take a lot longer to get readership.
I worked for two local (AJIJIC) businesses for a very short time. My departure was due to my intolerance for unethical and ‘on the edge’ illegal practices from my perspective.Not to mention the harassment/bullying and not so veiled threats to my person and reputation.I had considered a full time lifestyle in Mexico but changed my ‘direction’ after these experiences. As to ‘our own kind’ preying on others, I have no observations unless it is the ‘taking’ of home furnishings from houses marketed and sold by some real estate people on occasion. The myth of a secure lifestyle in the Lake Chapala area is much over stated and over rated.And I don’t think that blowing a ‘whistle’ so to speak will depress the real estate prices
overall or for long as folks who come looking for paradise(a term often used to describe Lake Chapala area) will see the ‘total story’ unless it is told …and even then, most  will remain in denial. I support your integrity as a reporter .. a characteristic much missing generally  in ‘the trade’. Best regards…and good hunting and presenting!
I unfortunately don’t think it will make those individuals upset and they won’t leave.  I think you are talking about Hxxxx and Sxxxxx  Lxxxxxxx.  We kicked her out of Rotary and she just started another one that is doing well.  I think like the Clintons  they are as corrupt but somehow she lands on her feet, still smiling and has no idea she has done wrong.  We were friends and then she hurt us badly and still thinks we are friends.  You can’t take down this kind of person even though she is guilty as sin.
The truth is always a good thing to bring out, but you are right to be cautious and h ave your lawyer’s advice.  There’s really only one way to live, with honesty and integrity
Have little faith in Realtors or property managers here.  That is why i won’t buy.  Developers are as bad.  Name names of bad apples. People with stories may be afraid to give their name for fear of backlash.
I would also like to see you include stories of how non nationals take advantage of other non nationals with respect to rental arrangements. Stories of non agreed upon renovations, breaking leases damaging interiors of homes and stealing the furniture. Abandoning the homes and not paying the rent because no one will come after them. Basically stories of abuse that would never be tolerated in their home countries.
Yes but you need to think VERY carefully about you personal safety if you go ahead. That is the most important thing Lisa
I would like to know who’s who in this book – BUT-there is a great risk to you from what i have seen here.
without names it wouldn’t be of much use as no one know who to avoid.
I think that you should write a book and sell it on the internet to Gringos planning to make the trip here.  I would market it in the US, not Lakeside.  No names, you can use things like a developer of a large 5 story condo area.  They would retailate .
Keep doing your great reporting. Even though some thin-skinned expats make be disturbed be some of your comments, but I would rather get the whole truth even if it ruffles a few feathers.
not much POINT in dealing with the subject without naming the offending persons.
You would be doing a great service to the Gringo community.
We take so much on trust, and this makes us vulnerable After all “He/she seems so nice”
Lisa, you are a true Joan of Arc, and I mean with sincere admiration.  To kick ass and name names will certainly bring you into harms way.  I vote for a different approach which may not be as confrontational but still achieve your goals.  If the book is written more as a guide to newcomers and home buyers about what they need to know to avoid problems and how to be savvy home buyers, renters, etc., I think you’ll achieve your goal without getting yourself killed.  For instance, steering home buyers to realtors that you know are honest may bring better results than outing the crooks.  Teaching home buyers about what they need to know/ask/research, and teaching them how to do the research, provides tools for them may bring the desired results without harm to you. Good luck to you. You’ve brought wonderful things to Lakeside (which reminds me that I need to stop by your stores before I head out on a short trip!).
If you hadn’t said that you have a powerful attorney that you have confidence in, who will be advising you every step of the way, I would be very concerned.  People can be mean, and you are getting ready to expose mean people.  We just bought a house in Ajijic in January.  Will your book affect housing prices if published on Amazon and people read of these goings on?  So be it.  The truth be told.  The reason injustices succeed is that they are never exposed and everyone should to be willing to deal with the truth…however it plays out.
Crime only stops when someone confronts it.
Those who don’t want this are probably the type of person that lets others fight their wars for them..
Why shouldn’t you name names if you can legally back it up.  As you stated they will just continue doing what they are doing if they are not called out..
If you don’t name names everyone will be suspicious of everyone
The only way you could safely name names would be to write under a pseudonym and publish outside Mexico.  An international journalist all my life, I am all too aware that dubious people have large networks and are happy to extend their long reach to silence such exposés when it comes to being exposed or putting their ‘nice little earners’ at risk.
If you are comfortable with Mexican laws protecting you if you name names, this is important.  And of course this   kind of book needs documenting and footnoting all over the place.  And hopefully your sources will give their names and be willing to step out visibly with their stories.
I think that by the time the book would actually get published that developers or agents would move on, place  their assets into another name or a new corporation or otherwise subterfuge.
Have been been hire as an investigator here for that particular purpose?
Try giving a presentation about your crusade, possibly at the Sunday Open Circle. It would be useful to have direct exchanges with expatriates.
Be Careful!
Happens all around the world, and what you print, can be damaging to people and the integrity of this area …. Already enough gossip going around. And who says there are no slander laws – good luck with that, lawyers just want the money honey.Why don’t you write about the scams, such as phone extortion, or nationalizing of vehicles .
If we are being preyed upon by fellow expats we should know by whom.
You will need proof and more proof and hem some.
You go, girl!  Lay it all out, let the chips fall where they may.  Thank God there is someone brave enough to do what we all wished we could do, but if it were me, I would go ahead and write the book without telling anyone my plans.
And proof of course
As you say, someone has to do it.
As long as your prepared for the lash back though
Please become aware of libel laws in Mexico.
Lisa, my hat is off to you for wanting to do the “right thing” by and for everyone who has been tainted in some way.     However, you are a foreigner in a foreign land.    The political scene in the U.S. against Mexicans is especially bad right now.    You could put yourself in REAL danger.   I would advise that you do not do this!      Even Mexican journalists have been slaughtered for exposing names.
It will just cause many fewer people to consider Lake Chapala as a prospective retirement area.
The people who it will hurt worst is “the little people”. The Mexican Nationals that mow the yards, clean our houses, the store clerks, the taxi drivers, the waiters, etc. etc.
Crime and corruption will always be with us.
This is a wonderful service you are providing to our Ajijic community.  My house is very secure.  You may hide out there at any time.  Go Girl, Go!
I lived in St Joseph Missouri, New York,Phoenix, Arizona, all the same things have happened there that you talk about here.this is nothing new, there are groups of people here who have integrity, and have pointed out the dishonestly and thief happening in all these cities above and here. the book that’s need to be written, is how to avoid theses incidences
how to protect yourself, what question to ask  your friends before you go to a local lawyer.
it the same problem as in the states elderly abuse and stealing elder peeson money.
when you get old and cant handle your money and turn over to your kids or a friend, abuse happens.
The broader audience won’t know the individuals anyway.
Everry town everywhere had it’s scoundrels…you will get hurt.
Several of the situations we know of wouldn’t be served by names because the perpetrators are dead or have left town.  The one concerning Dr. Lxxx and his wife and their taking elderly people into their home for care would probably get you into terrible legal trouble impacting his practice.  Also the woman artist who hung out in his waiting room and befriended elderly women.  She nearly got the estate of our 92 year old next door neighbor and was in cahoots with old No. x Notario.
Lisa, I just bought a house here and I am horrified at this email.  I am wondering who you are talking about?  Could it be trusted contacts that I have used?  What have I gotten myself into?  So I am conflicted.  On one hand I would certainly like to know the “truth” about Lake Chapala.  On the other hand, I am afraid you might create unintended consequences that could hurt people in real ways, not the least of which is in their home values.
I hope you have a home elsewhere to which you can escape when the fan changes colors!
You have an enormous courage, Lisa. It is a very noble project for the community.
There are many things that happen here i.e.( getting power of attorney ) when person recovers and finds all his assets are gone
If you know the scams, you can identify the scams. I may be wrong as I do not know the details of what you are referring to.
Obviously I wouldn’t want you to put yourself in danger, but if you can accomplish this, with the help of your lawyer and your information is correct, I’d say go for it.
I am not against naming the scum but the dangers not just to you for calling them out, for slander, and possible retaliation, but also to those they ripped off who could be in danger for talking, makes this a bad idea. If there is a way to give a great description under an alias to protect all innocent parties, that would be ideal.
I think the book with names would be a hot seller, but   you should get legal advice before doing it..
2. Do you have information about a story of the type I described?
I will buy the book
i was lucky,,,, my real estate agent and lawyer was careful to handle purchase details carefully ….readers need a check list of dos and don´ts how does one discern the crooked my experience discernment at a high level is spiritual awareness, but this i mean the spirit of a crooked deal comes with warning signs that the heart and spirit may feels, but the human so eager to have what they want ignores.the signs…if one is unsure, it is wise to contact
someone like rxxx axxxxx or a church pastor with real estate experience, i urge guidance.
Contact Jxxxxxxx
I’ve had someone try to scam my property from me in the states one time.
The only thing i know for certain about here is that the bars are full of theives and such, not just the customers, but the employee’s to.. Even those you would have never imagined. Also i find alot of illegal expats here, some of who are fleeing justice in their  homelands.
I am surprized that this informaion has not been published before now.
When I built my house I was scammed by Mexican builders.  When my house was finally completed, I rented it out and haven’t returned to the Chapala area since.  The next time I return is to sell my house.  What was most disturbing to me was the fact that there was no one to turn to for help; you did not know who to trust and no one cared enough to help as everyone had his/her own problems.  I know that a lot of people in the same situation were afraid of talking in case they ended up in jail for libel.  As you know in Mexico you are guilty until found innocent.
It is shocking that there are always those who prey on others
No information that would help you to identify the culprits except for one Mexican.
 a realtor and builder tried to steal over 200,000 USD. The real estate coop worked actively to cheat them and protect the builder. The real estate company kept 19,000 USD of real estate fees even though the house was never completed and sold.
I can put you in touch with the couple who got scanned.  They now live in Phoenix, Arizona.  They have tried very hard to get the story out on their own.
But I am not that surprised that such scams would happen, since greed is now the primary driving force in the whole world. Forget about ethics.
I always have a hard time deciding what to believe when I hear this kind of thing, so if you write with names and evidence, it would be reassuring to me.
Stories with too many sides. And often the people who are the loudest about the stories are misinformed or have their own private agendas.
Ex Dxxxxx
My fathers accountant somehow got his name in my fathers documents trying to recieve 5 years of moneys made in the business and a percent recieved upon sale of 2 of his properties.i know my father had no knowledge of it.
it’s not my storey, it’s my friends story.
Possibly because I rent and have few owner friends..
I bought a house in Ajijic last winter and have had a positive experience.  None of my friends in Lskeside have experienced such abuses.
I live in US.   Have not heard the stories.       My gripe is if  US citizen sells their home in MX at a terrific loss they still pay the government capital gains.   This is after we paid a 3,8% tax upon purchase.  Another words by the time we pay all the fees it is s $50,000 loss.     No wonder why people Leary of pufchSing
My own personal experience is limited to working in the area.  No personal first hand
accounts of those preying on retirees.
Mexicans alike are and have committed these crimes.
I’d asked you to generate a story about CFE’s practises to natives and foreigners; You were not interested.
A firm that was to pay my bills did not do until I put much pressure on her  condo fees were finally paid 2 months late.
I do have stories.  Since the verbal attack and lying people have thought I would care to hear every story.
I believe you already know about this, my friend was jailed by a developer.
Have heard many stories and can give you names of people to contact for details.  Hopefully they will share.
Got lots of names
I was once swindled by a real estate agent named Sxxxxx Cxxx, at the time he was the Chairman of the Lake Chapala Real estate arbitration board. Later the board found in my favour but of of course Sxxxxx had disappeared with out trace.
You already know some of the Ex Dxxxxxx stories.
I have heard of some of these things.  They take place anywhere and often to seniors.
Believe me if I say I had information I would give it to you.  My only experience has been with the police and the cartels and that “is” best left alone.
anonymously with facts and descriptions of what happened so landlords can avoid this
is fine with me.
Just rumors but nothing specific.
The only thing that I am aware of is the mess at Ex Dxxxxx where the board members of the HOA were put in jail for several days, about three years ago.  Still an ongoing battle, even though the HOA “won” in court with a positive judgement about three months ago.
I have lots of info the the subject will not give it to you. There are many Mexicans that do what you are speaking of, and they are very go at it.
Nobody’s business, except the family and courts, if it goes that far.
I will be moving to Ajijic in two weeks … I would love to be forewarned.
Maybe i do not even know i have been scammed yet…
There was an unsuccessful attempt.
Actually I have some info — but not related to me or a friend. M
I´m mexican, I live in the area and I do believe these kind of things should be out in the open.
The story I hear about has to do with nursing homes stealing an old persons car and house.
The more common story I’ve heard about is what happens with a Mexican business partner.
Then there is the man over in San ANtonio who worked as a caretaker for an elderly woman while he was a board member at LXX.  He took her for virtually everything.  He is dead.  His name was Rich soemthing.. my husband would remember.
I read Facebook comments from someone who alluded to these problems.  I was appalled, and contacted someone connected to two of the people named.  I was essentially told it was none of my business, that the comments were a highly emotional and exaggerated view of the situation, and that the group that controlled the Facebook site couldn’t control what someone wrote on their Facebook page. I have had nothing but positive experiences since I’ve been coming here, and now owning a home here, so I just can’t trust the scenario I read on Facebook enough to share it as a contributing example of these disturbing problems.  I will say, there always seems to be at least a grain of truth in what people feel compelled to sound off about.
I have heard of these things happening but what can one do if it isn’t happening to you personally? We did have an incident when we bought our house ( mislead by realtor about house inspection ) But what could we do?  In a new country and different laws.
But I am not in the loop.
Thought I’ve been here for 40 years, I live in Joco, and of course that “protects” me from a lot of what’s happening to the east. I’ve wondered if I am getting just crabby and crusty as I age, but it seems to me that the kind of northerners who are coming here now are of a totally different ilk that those I first knew and loved – true artists, writers, kinky sorts of folks (in a good way) who didn’t do fund raising but helped other quietly on their own, who didn’t need a fancy theater but had wonderful “soirees” in their own homes – which I recall as much more fun and interesting. Though I’m still an American in my passport, I feel more Mexican in my heart and am definitely turned off by many of the new sort of Americans I’ve come across here. I get along better with Canadians, for some reason.
I have been a victim of several ugly `situations` but sadly, most have been with unethical Mexicans- just in one year I was extorted by my gardener who quit & claimed he was unjustly fired, and I hired a crooked immigration lawyer who isn`t licensed to practice law, who held my RP card hostage for an extra 5000p so I couldn`t leave the country. But, have also been ripped off by a gringa who housesat for me, who had ties to arms dealers & drug production, who stole money, killed my cat, and more. At that point, I left Mexico, abandoned my home.
I have heard of a few names…but I would be afraid to divulge
5. Is there anything else you would like to say to help me make this decision?
It might be interesting to partner with the gdl reporter.  publish a revelation each week, and then publish your book.  i know you have a digital publication, but i know of no one who reads or talks about it.
I believe in this in this model of journalism.
The book will be short – few are the perps here, but they are legendary.
If you think it’s too risky, maybe you can explain the issues in general (names will always change anyway, as people become known and others take their places with new scams), then make positive recommendations about GOOD people to work with. A topic like this makes more sense as a magazine, newspaper, or online topic instead of a book since the information seems too fluid for book format.
What’s the worst that they can do? And if they start hurting people, then they really will get what they deserve. Trust me. Better still, trust in the Lord. Pray for discernment on this situation.
I have lived here in Ajijic for 18 years — we had no major problems until the development of closed communities — easy targets for thief, people having unrealistic ideas about maids, gardens and trust — they are employed and not your best friend — keep temptation to a minimum — this is not NOB so stop actng like it is — unintentional flaunting, over paying saying up NOB we pay this, etc.  It just causes unrealistic beliefs for all the community.
Just be careful.
Good luck.
I think you are a courageous lady wanting to expose bad things that happen to good people in our community.   I believe this is what newspapers, radio and television should do.  and it’s shameful that it doesn’t happen as much as it should.
I do not know first hand but have  heard of scams such as  trusting people signing a paper they didn’t realize what they were signing and they lost their home.  Real estate agent giving a potential seller a low ball figure of  their house’s value – then buying it themselves…perhaps to flip it.      An elderly woman dies, her family comes down from Canada or U.S. to sell her house only to be told  their mother signed a paper, the property was given to so and so on such and such date – signed, sealed and done legally.   Some times a maid or a gardener – sometimes another gringo.  Sad.    Also heard of real estate scams – but no 1st hand knowledge.  Also scams involving investments – so called financial Guru’s   telling people they can make 20% on their investment – they crawl out from under a rock, come here looking for inexperienced and  vulnerable  elderly people .  Heard of Gringos borrowing money from other Gringos – then never paying it back.   They count on people giving up because of attorney and court  expense.  Heard of people who list their house’s for sell  furnished, go back to Canada or U.S. – House is picked over by their  real estate agent  – valuable antiques, appliances  missing, etc. Have heard of scams where lawyers end up owing a person’s house or their financial estate.
It seems  when some foreigners come here, they  throw away the rule book of decency.
I was always told to ‘Follow your heart’ Like Nike says ‘Just Do It’
I’ve only been in Ajijic for 4.5 months and only recently heard about someone living at Ex Dxxxxx and the nightmare that it’s been for this person. I will only rent; no interest whatsoever in buying any property in Mexico.
You must do what is right for you regardless of consequences.  Have faith you will be protected with truth.
Thank you for caring enough to do this project.  It is terrible that it’s happening and needs to be put in the spotlight.
Be aware that you are putting the income of these people at risk and they will definitely come after you.  It’s most important that you first make your safety assured.
It’s been going on for years! It’s not just the foreign population though so I hope you don’t whitewash it, there are moneyed Mexicans (the only ones with any power) involved.
Just be sure you are protected 110%.
See the website above
I hope your lawyer can protect your back as you will be taking a huge risk.
Recognize the risks and use care.  The couple I spoke of had the developer jailed and recovered part of their money, but the declined to go after the real estate broker who is a member of a prominent and influential Mexican family from Guadalajara.  They were advised not to go after him and they left Mexico feeling they were at personal risk.
be prepared to watch your back.  I think its a good idea, whether Mexico or any other country, these things should be exposed.
Are you sure that only “gringos” are involved or are there Mexican former and current municipal and state officials involved? If the latter, then you really need a top notch and courageous lawyer. Watch your back.
I do hope you’ll receive enough support, both moral and financial.
Think long and hard about your personal security and life. Information may be power and I find many people in this community walk in to the same repetitive situations no matter how many people warn them off or believe they know better.
I will respect whatever decision you make.  Only you know the amount of strength this will take and what you can give.
Without using your name or any of your contact info, I brought up your idea of the book at my Spanish class this morning. The teacher, well known to much of the expat community, thought it a dangerous undertaking.
Yes please…call me
I think this book should be written but not by you.  Think of your daughter  🙂  *hi mom*
If you think this place is so bad, why don’t you leave.
It’s possible to provide helpful information without being harmful. When you mention there are no slander laws in Mexico, it shows the direction in which your content may go. I don’t know you and I’m not clear about your intentions or motivations, but I’m not convinced you are qualified to know what is best for this community.
I was very ambivalent about supporting your writing such a book, esp. with names, because I think it could put you in both physical danger and financial danger. But I have heard about enough malfeasance involving corrupt gringos that I would welcome your outing these greedy SOBs. But it must be understood that if these SOBs are willing to screw so called friends they would have no compunction about damaging you in any way they could. You are very brave but, cuidado!
Mexico is too corrupt and secretive.
I respect and admire those who have the stamina and courage to fight for the rights of all. There are too many that don’t get involved in the “dirty” side of a worthy cause. Thank you for being willing to represent and take the risks involved to bring the shysters to light.
I hate to see people being taken to the cleaner for any thing and any reason.
Good luck, brave one!
Please define your goals.  Do you want your writing to send people to jail, go out of business, set new standards/laws (hard to enforce?), embarrass people, run people out of town, protect future victims, or ….
GO FOR IT !!!!!!
Tilting at windmills is a time honored tradition.  In my experience, other than personnel satisfaction, little if anything changes after the fifteen minutes of attention garnered.  Since recorded human history began there are instances of the powerful taking advantage of the less powerful. Revolutions eventually occur when the abuses reach intolerable levels or someone takes a stand and becomes the focus of of discontent.  Often, I am sorry to say posthumously.  You are obviously aware that personnel danger and or risk of slander and innuendo will follow any attempt such as you describe.  I wish you well Ms Jorgenson.  I depend on persons such as yourself, having retired from the windmill tilting business myself, to keep the world, at least aware, if not safe, from the evils of our fellow humans. good luck, be safe, don’t let the bastards grind you down and thank you for your efforts.  Yours with respect
Believe I have covered in first paragraph.I am available to meet with you but only face to face.  For security reasons…my own considerations are significant to not using emails or telephones.  Thanks.
Good luck with your decision Lisa, it is a difficult one.  I personally would not welcome the extra “attention” it would bring.  Wish we could help you financially but we are on a very fixed income.
I’ve been out of loop for several years now since returning to USA.
I’m not certain that fear mongering is good for the community.
Be very careful how you go about this.  You wrote a scathing article about Niños Incapacitados  a few months ago calling the organization  crooked because they were charging 5 pesos at Christiana Park to get in.  This is an event that is put on twice a year by the Mothers of the Children being helped by Niños as a thank you for all that Niños does for them.  This book you are writing can do damage to many people who may not be guilty so unless you have positive proof and have done all your due diligence, I would suggest you back off.
I applaud your courage and although I live on a limited income, will contribute what I can to the process. I think it would be useful to publish small excerpts as email updates to keep people reading and aware. It seems to me that there is another chapter to the book for all the “alternative” healers (licensed, not licensed, and some not at all qualified) that take advantage of the elderly and ill in the area. Keep it in mind!
I admire you.
I don’t want this published right now.  would have to think on it.  Would you call me first…
I despise people who cheat and lie, and they should not be permitted to hide.  Go for it, Girl!
one must always look to their own behavior before finger pointing.
If you need a place to hide, I could help with that.  Cash is tight for me beyond 1000 pesos.  Wishing you the very best of luck!
In the years since I have been aware of your presence here, I have heard a number of ex-pats say they do not want expose>s.  While everyone enjoys a good story that they can empathize with and to; feel “in the know”. until something happens to them it all has a sense of unreality.
Without naming names, it is a work fiction to most.  With the names it is non-fiction, real reporting at a risk of retribution for you.
Much as I would like to be aware of such things which are going on around me, I do think that you will make your life here miserable by telling it all publicly and unless you intend to do it from afar, and by that I mean in a different country , you are putting yourself at risk. I feel you would have to move away. My main  question is: Are you really doing this for the good of the public, or are you trying to make money off the expats too?  If you are really telling because you want the public to know, not because you want to make money off the situation, I suggest you find a way to do it anonymously online. I’m sure there are ways.
You are very correct in your premise.  I have experienced some acts of pure disbelief.  There is no recourse here.  Why would the Mexican government care what ex-pats do to ex-pats.  They have their own schemes.  My opinion, you might be better off starting a column.  That won’t make you any money but it be altruistic.
Some people think that “ignorance is bliss.” Go ahead and write your book; it should be a Lakeside best seller.
A better plan might be to seek support from a publisher to write your own upbeat guidebook describing what you like about the Lake Chapala area.
your person, may of course be put at some risk/s, as you have already commented upon.
I understand your feelings, that this outrageous matter can not be allowed to continue   … artificially controlled values and practices is really in the end a hurtful blight on the community.
Lisa.. be careful, I’m thinking of Salmon Rushdie’s “The Satanic Verses”.
You are really putting yourself out there.
Not sure anyone  reads your puication
You are a courageous lady.  We admire you.  I like being a Don Quite too, but I’m not nearly as courageous as you!  Blessings!
Thank you for considering to write about this as it is very important to acknowledge the risks living here, before we can make changes.
You are a gutsy Lady go for it and thank you for caring so much about our community.
Go for it……loved the other book
Go for it–Good luck!
Go for it but stay safe!!  Have a back door and people you can trust..
Lisa, you don’t know me, but (a) I’ve been on lakeside since 1997, and (b) I’d say I’m very well read just generally on all current affairs. I’m 65. I think I have pretty good life, business and investment experience. My 2 cents worth is that your goal is a very laudable one. BUT (there’s always a “But”, isn’t there), your “Risk/Reward” is just too slanted to the risk side. It’s unlikely IMO that your book will effect any long lasting change in a culture like Mexico’s. Your readers are quite likely mostly not in a position to support your effort publicly and in the ways necessary to attract the proper attention from the right people. For sure, you can be a “trigger”, but by yourself, you’re not enough to achieve the outcome you seek. For that. it takes hundreds (“mob rule” basically) to actually attract the attention of those that could actually take meaningful action). Talk to Jxxxxx Hxxxxx . He was successful at exposing the (criminal) monopoly control of commissions charged by lakeside realtors. I think the Feds actually have found the parties involved to be liable. Yet nothing has changed!  I’m concerned that you will be another Jxxxxx in your battle to expose these problems. I just wonder if you might not be just as effective, and less exposed, if instead you contributed a weekly or monthly expose in the Guadalajara Reporter, and simultaneously worked with the Lake Chapala Society to regularly initiate well worded petitions, signed with hundreds of names, for presentation to the right Mexican authourities for their action.  The real key is awareness, and being educated on how to manage the risk. Elder financial abuse is everywhere, in all countries. Unfortunately, there are no easy answers, as long as we have people in this world with no moral compass (whose numbers seem to just keep growing these days). Good luck, whatever you do.
Be careful.  Take care of yourself.
Be very careful.  If I’m not mistaken the Mexican constitution says “anyone found to be ‘inconvenient’ can be deported and I don’t want that to happen to anyone I know.  I just want people protected from the experience I’m having without having to pay a lawyer, if they just know how to deal with renters.
There is  a Mexican merchant who has been defrauding people in our community for many years.  I think that his reputation should be brought to light.  I was a victim for more that $7,000 USD.
See item 1.
Good for you!  This takes a lot of courage, but it’s important that this has to get out there.  We live in the US but visit Chapala and other parts of Mexico quite often.  It is our intention to move there when we retire.  Our money, frankly, is a small price to pay if you can make life in Chapala more transparent and expose those who prey.
If I were to do this project, I would leave town..then write it.  Just a thought…but I’m a chicken. I don’t trust anyone here at Lakeside…gringos or Mexicans…especially the so-called government here.  A true joke. And I’ve heard Sxxxxxx say that there are many bad guys from the US living here also.
If I were you, I would not write the book. It could cause a lot of headaches for you down the road. HOWEVER, if you still want to write tell the story change the names. Please don’t write it out of anger.
I worry about your safety.
there are those in our own community who are fear mongers, advising others to NOT get involved, don’t sign petitions, don’t go to the mayor. You’ll get deported! These people are as big a danger to our welfare as others by keeping many from participating in their own welfare!
Jalisco does have libel and slander laws. Who told you it doesn’t? Since I have lived in Mexico,  the laws have been decriminalized. Before, even if what you wrote was true, if it embarrassed the person, you could be sent to prison. Who is your attorney? I hope it is a real trial attorney and not Sxxxxxx.
I’m  undecided – I’ve been a victim of this kind of crime – but not from a gringo.  When you say developers etc., they are Mexicans, and their lawyers are Mexicans.  I think we fall victims because of the corrupt court system, and that wouldn’t change much with only pointing your fingers at gringos.
As you know when money is involved it can be dangerous however “loss of respect” can also be a huge contributing factor in “Shutting you up” Please careful in who you trust.
Nobody’s business – this area has enough rumors, and you can ruin lives with your heresay.  I feel very strongly about this.  You can advise people that these things go on, but names and details????????????
I think you are very brave to even consider taking this on.  And, it is certainly something that should be exposed.  Thank you!
You would need other reporters to help. You will need proof beyond any doubt. Assuming some of these people named are Mexicans expect a protective paternal reaction from the gringo community concerning the Mexicans. If anybody woudl want to harm you it will come from the Mexican community of people with money and pride. .
Please be cautious and protect yourself.
Just do it!!!!
This seems a huge risk for you!  I would hate to see harm come to you or it to cause you to have to leave.  The violations will not stop unless  revealed so I do think it’s extremely important.
I am not crazy about the prospect of tainting the reputation of the town for  folks who may want to move here but a good house-cleaning may just attract them instead- if handled properly. Where are “the authorities” in this? If the Mexicans look foolish or even corrupt without being in the loop beforehand, it could backfire.
Do it!
It has to be yours and yours alone. I hope it happens, and I wish you luck.
Its about time someone put this information out there. I dont understand why there is no legal means for those caught up in this to follow, but then in my opinion, if they dont have the funds for that up front very few, if any lawyers would take it on without some payment up front.
The risk to yourself is not worth doing this!!!!
I don’t think you can discount crimes committed against expats by Mexican criminals if you want to be fair either.
As a victim of a crime by professional thieves, my story (and there are many other stories by fellow expats) should also be exposed to alert your readers to the full range of challenges facing those who choose to live around Lake Chapala.
Be careful, as they say , it’s Mexico.
Muy interesante — could be a real community service
I have some gringo (and other countries) great friends and I think they do deserve to live in Lake Chapala the way the expected, with all peace and security as posible. As a mexican, I love to hear they are so happy living here, and I would want them to keep it that way.
Regards and congrats for you initiative!
You are a courageous woman.
do not write about the problem , write about the solution.
how to protect yourself from elderly abuse and financial theft.
which banks to use, power of attorney. etc.
it can financially dangerous here to have a checking account or ATM card in mexico.
some lawyers will rob here and also in the united states. There are people I know who got arrested in Missouri
who made a living stealing from the elderly. The mexico banks are not the same in USA.
People here have their circle of friends that will tell which notary to use, which real estate agent to use,
which properly manager to use.newbie need to hook into lake chapala society and become a member to protect themselves.
there you can meet other people quickly and make friends quickly its all about creating relationships.
I am worried for your personal safety. You may have to leave Mexico. Is this risk worth it to? Good luck with whatever you decide.
The future plans for the lakeside area needs to be discussed.
i only know what most who live at bxxxx or ex dxxxxx know about oxxx..but unable to be very social [physical limitations]  so haven’t heard ‘the latest’..
This is very risky.
It is too bad that you have decided to make enemies out of honest people by making conclusions without considering the source of some of your information. You are easily mislead by psychotic drug addicts, and other unreliable sources. You “could” do something great with such a book, but at this point due to your lack of credibility due to not researching some of your information, associating with at least one person who fits the description of who you claim you want expose, and your personal attacks rooted in your own emotional instability, I would be hesitant to believe anything you would write. You are capable of such a project, but you need to get your shit together first.
As a newbie, just knowing the impact, if these allegations are real, is terrifying.  I trust your veracity and intention in getting the truth out. You are a candle in the darkness – I’m afraid I am still cursing it.  No matter what you decide, you have shown great courage in just publishing this email.  At a minimum,  no doubt some people are starting to sweat!
I think you would be very brave to complete this.  I think It would certainly sell well here.  I am not sure that putting it on Amazon would be good for real estate values, but it might slow down the progression of things like Monster on the Mountain and the new hotel.  That would be a good thing.
Go, Girl, Go!!!
There is really nothing I could say. This dfecision is so large and personal, that only you can really make it. I certainly give you the moral support, what ever your dec ision will be.
I think it is very brave and noble of you to undertake this task. You seem to have thought it through, already have good sources and are excited about exposing the bad guys. I admire you for this and wish you the very best. Having been a left leaning, bleeding heart liberal Democrat all my life,  I really could not respond otherwise that I have done. I wish you all the best and hope to meet you some day.
I think you may be spending too much time dragging up things that are sensationalist and not in keeping with the community life lakeside.
I do believe there are a lot more bad apples Lakeside than anyone cares to admit! After all, Mexico is where the bad guys go to escape the law, & detection. There are no shortage of thieves and scammers all around. I think most people are either too embarrassed or too scared to talk- kind of a code of silence in effect. Too bad because it ruins it for a lot of good folks.
This is far too dangerous for you to do.  Naming names in a country where someone can be killed for a fee of $500. is absolutely foolish.  Please do not take this risk.  The bad guys won’t leave and then they will just be more angry.
not sure…
good luck with your venture, Lisa…