Lake Chapala Telephone Dialing Chart

► Mexico’s country code


► Lakeside city codes

       387 = municipality of Jocotepec, including Jocotepec and San Juan Cosalá

       376 = municipality of Chapala, including Chapala and Ajijic

To call Mexico from within Mexico

        If you’re using a land-line phone:

            To call a Mexican land-line phone from the same city code:

                Only the 7-digit phone number

            To call a Mexican land-line phone from a different city code:

                01 + city code + phone #

           To call a Mexican cell phone:

               045 + city code + phone #

       If you’re using a cell phone:

             To call either a Mexican land-line phone or cell phone:

                   city code + phone #

Note for procedures below: It may not be possible to call outside of Mexico using your cell phone, depending on your cell phone service plan. Therefore, the following numbers assume you are using a land-line phone. If your cell phone service plan does permit international calls, these procedures will be the same.

To call the US or Canada from Mexico

         001 + area code + phone #

To call US/Canadian toll-free numbers from Mexico

         Use the following area codes:

                Instead of 800, dial 880

                Instead of 866, dial 883

                Instead of 877, dial 882

                Instead of 888, dial 881

Note: These will not be free calls. They’ll be charged at the international rate.

To call any other country from Mexico

         00 + country code + city code + phone #

To call Mexico from the US or Canada

        To call a Mexican land–line phone:

             011 + 52 + city code + phone #

        To call a Mexican cell phone:

            011 + 52 + 1 + 45 + city code + phone

Excerpted from the book: Moving to Mexico’s Lake Chapala, by Lisa L. Jorgensen