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Authorities Remind Residents Not to be Alarmed by Chalk Marks on Buildings

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Response to 5800 People Infected after Full Covid-19 Vaccination

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120 Jalisco Police Officers Linked to Disappearances

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No Date Available Yet For 2nd Covid-19 Vaccinations in Jocotepec Municipality

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No Date Available Yet For 2nd Covid-19 Vaccinations in Chapala Municipality

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Not Even Half of Expected Covid-19 Vaccines Have Arrived in Mexico

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Chamber of Commerce: 86% of Guadalajaran’s Feel Unsafe in Some Parts of the Center

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Ajijic Buildings Filling Up With Color

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US Reports 5,800 Covid-19 Cases in Fully-Vaccinated People

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How is Mexico’s Legalization of Marijuana Progressing?

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Report: AMLO Lies 80 Times on Average each Morning

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Guadalajara’s “The Three Graces” Square Inaugurated

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Increase in Jocotepec Robberies and Assaults Reported

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Patria, Mexico’s Covid-19 Vaccine, was Actually Created in the US

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Scorpion Stings in Jalisco Increase 4.5% to 8,381 in First Three Months

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Jocotepec Libramiento Neglected

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Chapala’s Anti-Dengue Brigade to Start Visits

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Covid-19 Rebounds in Jalisco After Easter Holidays

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WHO Calls for Suspension of Sale of Wild Mammals for Human Consumption

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