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Biden: Mexico Refuses to Receive Migrant Families Deported by US

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Covid-19 Vaccinations Continue Today in Guadalajara

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Study: 7 in 10 people Hospitalized for Covid-19 Not Fully Recovered 5 Months Later

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Jalisco Congress Preparing Law for Licensing Real Estate Agents

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Two Men Arrested for Shooting in Air During Chapala Party

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U.S. Health Board Questions AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Data

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Guadalajara Care Centers Next for Covid-19 Vaccination

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San Juan Cosalá Begins Anti-Dengue, Anti-Mosquito Campaign

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Hector España Accused of Attacking Civilian in Ajijic

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Lake Chapala Society: Almost Closed Last Year, But Coming Back Stronger


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Chapala Fountain Getting Repaired After Truck Accident

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Judges Seek UN Intervention Against AMLO’s Threat to Autonomy of Judicial Branch

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Mexico Falls From 23rd to 46th in World Happiness Index

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Over 27,000 Seniors Lined Up to Get 19,000 Covid-19 Vaccines in Guadalajara

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US House of Representatives Passes Bill Creating Path to Citizenship for Dreamers

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Vaccinations Start in Guadalajara

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Covid-19 Vaccinations to Continue in Ajijic Monday

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Covid-19 Vaccinations Still Available Today

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