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Human Rights Commission Issues Recommendations on Santiago River and Lake Chapala Contamination

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New Scanner that Detects Covid-19 in People and Surfaces to be Manufactured in Mexico

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AMLO Refuses to Wear Facemask after Suffering from COVID-19

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More Than 100 Santander Account Holders are Victims of Fraud

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Hidden Camera Captures Images of Over 13 Native Mammals in Chapala Hills

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Is Your Facemask a Real N95 or a Fake One?

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Mexico Blames European Union for Delayed Vaccines to Mexico

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CEDHJ: Refusal to Allow Elderly Access to Stores is Discrimination

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Cofepris Authorizes Emergency Use of Sputnik V Covid-19 Vaccine

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Russian Campaign Promotes Homegrown Vaccine and Undercuts Rivals

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No Covid-19 Vaccinations for Jalisco Until at Least April

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Desperation Grows as Mexico Runs Out of Coronavirus Vaccines

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UdeG: Puerto Vallarta Coronavirus Variant is 50% More Contagious

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Project Started to Bring Universal Accessibility to All Jalisco Pueblos Magicos

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Chapala Creates Office of Indigenous Communities

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Oxford: AstraZeneca’s Vaccine Works Against British Variant

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Chapala’s Mayor Anaya Announces Re-Election Bid

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How Much Does Private Hospitalization for Covid-19 Cost?

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Government Responds to Vaccination Registration Site Problems

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