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Surprise Speedbumps Appear on Carretera Near Rancho Del Oro

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Anti-AMLO Front Frena Marches Again After Challenge

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Durazo Confirms Puente Grande Prison Was Controlled by Cartel

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After Touring State, Alfaro Again Threatens Pushing the ‘Emergency Button’

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New Deep Water Well to be Drilled in Northern Chapala

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Russia’s Sputnik V COVID-19 Vaccine Will be Distributed in Mexico in December

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Trump Re-election Campaign Grounded After COVID-19 Diagnosis

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Jocotepec to Get 7 Million Pesos From Jalisco to Generate Labor for Street Upgrades

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State’s Land Use Plan for Chapala Reduces Natural Areas, Meets With Strong Opposition

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Transport Platform for Women Launched in Guadalajara

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Chapala Mayor, City Council Again Face Suspension for Unpaid Labor Suit

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Numerous Complaints of Corruption and Ineptitude Filed Against Chapala Judge

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Vandal Throwing Black Paint in Ajijic Captured on Video

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Foreign Remittances to Chapala Decreasing

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Federal Government Announces Closure of Puente Grande Prison

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All State, Municipal Offices Closed Today

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Alleged Burglar of Las Redes Chapala Home Arrested

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Google Maps Now Shows Places with Highest Incidence of Covid-19

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US Ambassador Landau, US Consul General Visit Chapala

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Mexico Joins Covax Program, Guaranteeing Coronavirus Vaccine Access

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