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Political Dispute Sparks Altercation at LCS Concert

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XIV Michoacán Biocultural Festival Welcomes Chapala as Special Guest

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Lakeside Expats Launch Monthly Meetup for Newcomers

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Carnaval to Proceed at Cristiania Park Despite Upcoming Construction

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UdeG Rector Ricardo Villanueva Named as Mexico’s New Undersecretary of Higher Education

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Americans Rally in Chapala to Show Solidarity with Mexico

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US to Designate Mexican Drug Cartels as Terrorist Organizations

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Students Detain Passenger Buses in Guadalajara, Two Recovered by Police

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Guadalajara Airport Announces Major Expansion with New Terminal and Road Access

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Mexican Senator Advocates for U.S. Military Cooperation Against Drug Cartels

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 11FEBRERO2025.- La senadora panista Lilly Téllez hace uso de la tribuna durante la sesión ordinaria de la Cámara de Senadores en el marco de la LXVI Legislatura. FOTO: GALO CAÑAS/CUARTOSCURO.COM

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U.S. Military Spy Plane Activity Near Mexico Border Raises Concerns

Desfile Aéreo FAMEX

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AI Compares Security Challenges in Jalisco and Guanajuato

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Juanacatlán Residents Protest Thermoelectric Plant, Demand River Cleanup

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Parking Dispute Sparks Controversy on San Antonio Tlayacapan’s Ramón Corona Street

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Lake Chapala Fine Artists Guild to Host Group Exhibition

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Governor Lemus to Present Solar and Wind Energy Projects for Jalisco

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Collective Art Exhibition Scheduled for Sunday

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Jalisco Prosecutor’s Office to Hold Public Hearing

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Chapala Street Construction Project Nears Completion Despite Resident Concerns

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